Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.

You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.

Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery. 

Photos by Katerina Studios.

Photos by @EchoBeluga (IG)

Sakari, Tuar and Kyuquot

Tuar, Takara and Kamea

Tuar and Kyuquot

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by @floppyfins.photography (IG)

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by @dakotajophotos (IG)

Photo by Edge0fall (IG).

Tuar san antonio express
San antonio express tuar

Photos by San Antonio Express (via Orca Pod Wiki).

2717 78950966990 2316952 n
Tuar & tekoa

Tuar and Tekoa (front to back)

City known
999246 10151423286216991 1666119520 n
8a73b347032e44549fc0920adaf56a87 shamu1 460x345

Kyuquot, Unna, Tuar and Tekoa

Ky tuar

Kyuquot and Tuar

10671422 10152258593621991 5929124759611092946 n

Kyuquot, Tuar, Sakari, Unna, Kamea and Takara

Tuar 7768
Tuar kalina 676

Tuar and Kalina

Katina taku kalina tuar

Katina, Taku, Kalina and Tuar

Tuar ky 678

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by SeaWorld (via Orca Pod Wiki).

Tuar and Kalina

Tuar and Kalina

Tuar and Kalina

Kalina and Tuar

Kalina and Tuar
Photos provided by Emilie Giguère.

Kalina, Tuar and Unna

Tuar and Kalina

Photos provided by Laurie Néron.

Photo provided by Jason Kelly.

Photo provided by KE Wiley.

Photo provided by bignumber56.

Photo provided by Nicki.

Kalina, Tuar and Unna
Photo provided by Kristina Rau.

Photos provided by Karbach.

Photos provided by Mandy H.

Photos provided by Orcaspitt.

Kalina and Tuar
Photos provided by Blackmoon2101.

Photos provided by Joshua Aguilar.

Photos provided by Blue Orca.

Tuar and Keet
Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Photo provided by Jim Picht and Kimmy Vengeance.

Photos provided by Caio Ribeiro.

Photos provided by Christine Jones and Kimmy Vengeance.

Kalina, Taku, Katina, Ikaika and Tuar (clockwise from the top left)

Photos provided by Jason Lee Scott.

Photo provided by kifaeriwench.

Tuar and Sakari
Photo provided by HaH.

Photo provided by San Antonio Express.

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photo provided by Katherine Larson.

Photo provided by Sara Farrell.

Kalina and Tuar
Photo provided by Sara Farrell

One of the killer whales at SeaWorld San Antonio swims in Shamu Theater during an “open viewing” at “One Ocean”, on May 20, 2016. SeaWorld has ended its breeding program.
SeaWorld Entertainment Corp. saw a 15 percent jump in attendance during the first three months of 2018. But the Orlando company still posted a $62.8 million loss for the period, despite revenue gains.

Photos by Bob Owen (provided by Sara Farrell)

Tuar and Keet
Photo provided by Sara Farrell