Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.
You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.
Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery.

Photo provided by Valérie Meyer.

Photo from the book “Whales, Dolphins and Man” by Jacqueline Nayman, provided by Blackmoon2101.

Photos provided by Blackmoon2101.

Photo provided by Kim Zerbe.

Photos provided by OrcaArtist.

Photos provided by Blackmoon2101 (colour version) and Ashley Miller (black and white version).

Photo provided by Pickle.

Photos from the book “A Photographic Journey Back to Marineland of the Pacific“ by Jim Patryla, provided by Orcasforever.

Photos by Pat Hathaway.

Photos provided by Keane Arase and Kimmy Vengeance.

Photos provided by the Stenzels and Kimmy Vengeance.

Photo provided by Kimmy Vengeance and Pugstem Publications.

Orky and Corky (top right)

Photos provided by HaH.

Photo provided by Ashley Zherebnenko.

Photo provided by Katerina Studios.

Patches and Corky I
Photo from The LA Citizen Evening News (provided by Sara Farrell)

Photo provided by Sara Farrell