Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.
You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.
Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery.
Peter Hamilton from the Lifeforce Foundation has some old pictures of Haida 2, Nootka 4, Tilikum and Kyuquot at Sealand of the Pacific in Victoria, Canada.

Photos by @EchoBeluga (IG)

Sakari, Tuar and Kyuquot

Tuar and Kyuquot

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by @floppyfins.photography (IG)

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by @dakotajophotos (IG)

Photo by @hunter.d.photography (IG)

Photo provided by EmilyOrca.

Kyuquot and Haida 2
Photo provided by Albino Orca.

Photos provided by Joshua Aguilar.

Keet, Katerina, Haida 2, and Kyuquot (left to right)

Photos provided by Katerina Studios.

Haida 2(left), Nootka 4, and Kyuquot(in front of Nootka 4)
Photo by John McKay, provided by Katerina Studios.
Keet and Kyuquot
Kyuquot, Unna, Tuar and Tekoa
Kyuquot and Tuar
Kyuquot, Haida 2, Winnie and Kayla (front to back)
Unna and Kyuquot
Unna and Kyuquot
Kyuquot, Tuar, Sakari, Unna, Kamea and Takara
Tuar and Kyuquot
Photos by SeaWorld (via Orca Pod Wiki).

Photos provided by Sah’ot.

Photos provided by Emilie Giguère.

Photo provided by Tiggerlily and Kirsten Wahlquist.

Photo provided by moon_tides.

Photo provided by Kathryn Rawlinson.

Kyuquot and Kayla
Photo provided by D’Andre Martin.

Photo provided by OrcaSpitt.

Kyuquot and Haida 2
Photos provided by OrcaArtist.

Photos provided by Sam.

Photo provided by Jess Kaplan.

Photos provided by Blackmoon2101.

Kyuquot and Winnie

Kyuquot and Winnie

Photos provided by Hyena2_18.

Photo provided by Ro-hee.

Photo provided by Ashley Miller.

Newborn Kyuquot and Haida 2
Photo provided by wildorcaimages.

Photo provided by Blue Orca.

Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Photo by SeaWorld.

Photos provided by Caio Ribeiro.

Kotar and Kalina (leftside pair), Kyuquot and Haida 2 (rightside pair – front to back)

Sakari, Takara and Kyuquot
Photos provided by Jason Lee Scott.

Keet, Katerina, Haida 2 and Kyuquot (left to right)

Keet and Kyuquot
Photos provided by HaH.

Photos provided by kifaeriwench.

Keto, Haida 2, Kyuquot, Kayla and Winnie (left to right)
Photo by the New York Daily News, provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Unna, Kyuquot and Takara (front to back)
Photo by PETA, provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Tuar and Kyuquot
Photo provided by Katherine Larson.

Photos by The North Texan (provided by Sara Farrell).

Kyuquot and Keto
Photo by Odessa Aquarium (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photo by The Victoria Advocate (provided by Sara Farrell).

Kyuquot, Haida 2, Winnie and Kayla
Photo by The Monitor (provided by Sara Farrell).

Haida 2 and Kyuquot
Photo from The Vancouver Sun (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photos by Alex Cortes.

Photo by The San Antonio Express-News (provided by Sara Farrell)