Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.
You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.
Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery.

Shouka and Kim 2

Kim 2 and Valentin
Photos by Edge0fall (IG).

Kim 2, Wikie, Inouk and Sharkane

Kim 2 and Valentin

Kim 2 and Freya

Kim 2 and Freya

Kim 2 and Inouk

Kim 2, Inouk and Wikie

Kim 2 and Valentin

Kim 2 on the slide out

Photos provided by Valérie Meyer.

Kim 2 and Freya
Photo by Marineland Antibes (via Orca Pod Wikia).

Shouka and Kim 2

Shouka and Kim 2

Photos provided by Stefan Jacobs.

Photos provided by Emilie Giguère.

Photos provided by Laurie Néron.

Shouka and Kim 2

Photos provided by Rachel Cali.

Photos provided by Léonore Simon.

Photo provided by Takara.

Freya and Kim 2 (left to right)
Photo provided by Rebecca Partridge.

Valentin, Wikie and Kim 2

Kim 2, Freya, Wikie and Valentin
Photos provided by Dionne Descharmes.

Photo provided by Blackmoon2101.

Photos provided by Ludovic Tibaudo.

Photo provided by Lieke van der Steen.

Photos provided by Alexandre Roux.

Photo provided by Maité Maillard.

Sharkane and Kim 2
Photos provided by Sabine Eltz.

Photos provided by Kandu.

Shouka and Kim 2

Shouka and Kim 2
Photos provided by Jacqueline Otter.

Photos provided by Noémie G.

Kim 2 and Betty
Photo provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Kim 2, Shouka and Sharkane (front to back)
Photo provided by rm20.

Kim 2 and Freya

Kim 2, Betty and Freya
Photos provided by Jason Lee Scott and HaH.

Photos provided by Valentin666.

Freya and Kim 2
Photo from the book “Killer Whales” by John Prevost, provided by Jordan Waltz.

Photo provided by Viviana Colasanti.

Photo by Marineland Antibes (sourced via Bas Wassink – provided by anonymous).

Freya, Haida 2, Kim 2, Nootka 4 and unnamed male of 1982
Photo provided by Sara Farrell.

Photos by Marineland Antibes (provided by Sara Farrell)

Freya, Haida 2, Kim 2, Unnamed Male and Nootka 4 (provided by Sara Farrell).

Capture photos of Freya, Haida 2 and Kim 2
Photos by Timarit.is (provided by Sara Farrell).