Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.
You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.
Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery.

Photo provided by OrcaArtist and Kim Zerbe.

Photo provided by Molly Kleonard (IG).

Kandu 5 and Kenau (front to back)

Kenau and Kandu 5

Kandu 5, Kenau, Kasatka and Katina
Photos provided by Sara Farrell.

Photos provided by KE Wiley.

Kayla and Kenau

Photos by SeaWorld (via Orca Pod Wiki).

Kandu 5 and Kenau

Kenau giving birth to Kayla

Photos provided by Rachel Cali.

Photo provided by Bas Wassink.

Photo provided by Spot645.

Photo provided by Jason Kelly.

Kenau and Kandu 5

Kandu 5 and Kenau with young Kasatka and Katina
Photos provided by OrcaArtist.

Kayla and Kenau

Kenau nursing Kayla
Photos provided by Kim Zerbe.

Photo provided by Hyena2_18 and OrcaArtist.

Young Kayla and Kenau (front to back)

Katina and Kenau
Photos provided by Blackmoon2101.

Photo provided by Orcaholic2001.

Photo provided by orca123.

Photos provided by KeikoFan.

Kenau and Kasatka

Photos provided by Jared Cox.

Kenau and Kandu 5

Photos provided by Laurie Néron.

Kenau and Winston (front to back)

Winston and Kenau
Photos provided by Heleen Middel.

Kenau’s capture
Photo from Rit Fiskideildar – Journal of the Marine Research Institute Vol. 11.

Photo provided by moon_tides and Coral.

Kenau and Kandu 5 (front to back)
Photo provided by Orcaloverw.

Photos provided by anonymous.

Photos provided by orcalover14.

Kenau, Kandu 5, Katina and Kasatka
Photos provided by Rebecca Partridge.

Photo provided by Kimmy Vengeance and Adam’s Picture Library.

Photos provided by Jovana Ivastanin.

Kenau and Kandu 5
Photo provided by Jovana Ivastanin and Coral.

Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Photo provided by Jo Guerrero and Kimmy Vengeance.

Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance and Mostly Fun Photography.

Baby Shamu 2 and Kenau

Kenau and Baby Shamu 2
Photos provided by HaH and Jason Lee Scott.

Kandu 5 and Kenau
Photo provided by anonymous.

Kenau and Kandu 5

Kenau giving birth to Kayla
Photos by SeaWorld.

Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance and Erik Frandsen.

Photo provided by Valentin666.

Kenau and Baby Shamu 2
Photos provided by Svetkosatek.

Kasatka, Kayla and Kenau

Kenau, Kotar and Kasatka

Kasatka, Kayla and Kenau

Kenau, Kasatka, Kandu 5 and Kahana (left to right)

Kandu 5, Kasatka, Katina and Kenau (left to right)

Katina and Kenau

Kenau and Katina

Photos provided by Jason Lee Scott.

Kenau and Kandu 5
Photo provided by Coral.

Kayla and Kenau
Photo by San Antonio Express.

Kenau and Kandu 5 (front to back)

Kandu 5 and Kenau (front to back)
Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance and Karen

Kandu 5 and Kenau

Kenau and Kandu 5

Photos provided by HaH.

Photo by The San Diego Union-Tribune, provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Photo provided by Lolita Whale.

Photo provided by Ms. Kanako Chitose and Kimmy Vengeance.

Kenau and Winston (front to back)
Photos provided by Kellie DeCarteret.

Kenau and Kandu 5

Photos by SeaWorld, provided by Sara Farrell.

Photo by Neil Zurcher (provided by anonymous).

Young Kayla and Kenau
Photo by SeaWorld (provided by anonymous).

Photo by The Desert Sun (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photo by Charley Van Pelt (provided by anonymous).

Photo sourced from the book “All About Training Shamu” by Jane Resnick (provided by Sara Farrell).

Kayla, Kenau and Kasatka (front to back)

Kayla and Kenau
Photos provided by Sara Farrell.

Kandu 5, Kenau and Winston
Photo by The Broadcaster (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photo by The Lansing State Journal (provided by Sara Farrell)

Kenau and Kandu 5
Photos by The LA Times (provided by Sara Farrell)

Kenau and Gudrun aboard ‘The Gudrun’
(provided by Sara Farrell)

Photo provided by Sara Farrell

Newborn Kayla and Kenau
Photo from The Victoria Advocate (provided by Sara Farrell)

Photos provided by Sara Farrell.

Photo by the Los Angeles Times provided by Katerina Studios.

Photo by SeaWorld provided by Katerina Studios.

Kandu 5, Kasatka, Katina and Kenau (left to right)
Photos by Associated Press provided by Katerina Studios.

Kayla and Kenau

Kenau and Baby Shamu II

Kasatka, Kayla, and Kenau (left to right)

Photos provided by Katerina Studios.

Kenau arriving at SeaWorld Ohio in 1978
Photo via the Times Recorder provided by Katerina Studios.

Photo via the Marion Star provided by Katerina Studios.

Kenau and Kayla
Photo from The Austin American-Statesman (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photos provided by Sara Farrell.

Gudrun and Kenau
Photos by Timarit.is (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photo from The Spokesman-Review (provided by Sara Farrell).

Kenau nursing Kayla
Photo provided by Sara Farrell

Photo by the San Antonio Express News

Kenau and Kandu V
Photos provided by Sara Farrell

Photos via Cleveland.com (provided by Sara Farrell)

Kandu 5 and Kenau

Kayla and Kenau

Kenau and Kayla

Kenau and Kayla

Photos provided by Sara Farrell