Disclaimer: These photos do not belong to the owner of this website but were kindly submitted by photographers. Some photos may be PR images produced by marine parks and aquariums. In all cases appropriate credit is given. Photos with multiple whales include identification which is listed from left to right (according to eye patch) unless stated otherwise.
You may repost these photos as long as you credit the photographer and refer back to this website.
Please contact me at inherentlywild@gmail.com if you wish to add to this gallery.

Gudrun and Taima

Winnie and Gudrun

Nyar and Gudrun (front to back)

Photos provided by SMSea.

Photos provided by Spot645, Rachel Cali and Tara Byrne (credit unclear).

Gudrun giving birth to Nyar

Gudrun giving birth to Nyar

Gudrun giving birth to Nyar

Nyar and Gudrun

Taima and Gudrun

Gudrun and Nyar

Taku, Katina and Gudrun

Katerina, Katina and Gudrun

Taima with Gudrun

Gudrun and Katina
Photos by SeaWorld (via Orca Pod Wiki)

Photo provided by Bas Wassink.

Gudrun and Taima

Gudrun and Taima
Photos provided by Michaela Vanables and Laurie Neron.

Gudrun and Taima

Gudrun and Katina (front to back)

Katina, Gudrun and Taima

Photos provided by Alairra and moon_tides.

Katina, Taima and Gudrun
Photos provided by Adam Costa.

Gudrun and Katina
Photo provided by OrcaArtist.

Gudrun with Taima or Nyar
Photo provided by Nikki Abeln.

Photo provided by Brendon McPhee.

Photo provided by Mandy H.

Gudrun, Katina and Taku

Photos provided by Orcaholic2001.

Photos provided by Dionne Descharmes.

Photos provided by anonymous.

Photos provided by Esther Mikkers.

Gudrun with newborn Taima
Photo provided by orcalover14.

Photo provided by Ashley.

Photos provided by Kimmy Vengeance.

Gudrun giving birth to Taima
Photo provided by anonymous.

Photos provided by HaH.

Photo provided by Kellie DeCarteret.

Gudrun and Kalina
Photo by Shamufan 88, provided by Jason Lee Scott.

Taima and Gudrun (left to right)

Gudrun and Taima

Gudrun, Kalina and Katina

Katina, Taima and Gudrun

Gudrun giving birth to Taima

Gudrun, Katina, Taima and Taku (front to back)
Photos provided by Jason Lee Scott.

Photos provided by Valentin666.

Gudrun with dolphin Skinny
Photo provided by Liam Kotteberg.

Katina and Taku (left pair), Gudrun(top), and Nyar(bottom)
Photos provided by HaH.

Photo by Pancras Dijk (provided by anonymous).

Photo provided by Sara Farrell.

Screenshots of Gudrun at Dolfinarium Harderwijk participating in an audio mimicking test, from the documentary “The Talking Whale” (provided by anonymous).

Taku, Katina, Gudrun and Nyar
Photo sourced from the book “Toothed Whales” by Jason Cooper (provided by Sara Farrell).

Kenau and Gudrun aboard ‘The Gudrun’
(provided by Sara Farrell)

Photo from The Orlando Sentinel

Photo from News-Press

Photo from The Charlotte Observer
Photos provided by Sara Farrell

Photo from The Tampa Bay Times
Photos provided by Sara Farrell

Newborn Taima (front) and Gudrun
Photo provided by Sara Farrell.

Photos by Timarit.is (provided by Sara Farrell).

Gudrun and Kenau
Photos by Timarit.is (provided by Sara Farrell).

Photos provided by Sara Farrell.

Photos provided by Katerina Studios.

Photo by Joe Skipper, provided by Katerina Studios.

Katerina, Katina, Gudrun, and Taima(top to bottom)
Photo by Red Huber, provided by Katerina Studios.

Gudrun giving birth to Taima
Photo from The Orlando Sentinel (provided by Sara Farrell)

Photos via https://leiden.courant.nu/ (provided by Sara Farrell)

Taima and Gudrun

Photos provided by Sara Farrell